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an evening of

sacred sensuality

& play


4 September - Sacred Flirt - click here

19 September - Beginner Temple 

12 October - Advanced temple






These evenings are devoted to remembering the beauty & pleasure available to us,

when we allow ourselves to open our hearts and connect with each other from that place, whilst being in tune with our senses & body wisdom.


Awakening our being through tantric practices & ancient teachings.

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Enlivening the body through breath & movement.

Practicing the art of intimacy & connection.

A safe space to be curious about your desires, to express them & learn how to receive.

Embody your yes & no and trust your own inner guidance.

A space to shed judgements of ourselves & others.

Honouring the sacredness of our sensual nature.

Gently exploring the realms of your own sacred sexuality


The Temple is a Holy place to remember the sacredness of your humanity. 

The fragile & the wild.

The high vibe & the primal.

To face fears & remember joy.


There is space for all of you & all of you is welcome. 

Just as you are.  


Come connect with other fabulous humans on this wild adventure called life.


Temples are, or were spaces that were Holy. Places to go to connect to the Divine, to tap into higher wisdom, to pray & make offerings. With these Temple Nights, the prayer is from you to your heart & body, the Divine is what lies within the boundaries of your skin, the offering is your openness to meet yourself & the other with reverence & openness. This is my prayer, and the yearning to create a space like this.

White Cotton Fabric

Upcoming Temple Nights

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The perfect evening if you are embarking on a journey with your sensuality & rediscovering the light hearted innocence of your erotic nature.

Easy practices with lots of heart - a space to practice connecting in a way that honours both your boundaries & allows you to explore & enquire into what you desire.

This space is fully guided and with lots of support.


19 September

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Come rest into embrace and connection with your sisters.
This temple is an ideal space to heal your heart, connect to your sensuality with the softness & safety that arises from a women's only circle.


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We are thrilled to invite you to an Advanced Temple Night, crafted specifically for those who have previously joined our Temple Nights and are ready to dive even deeper into their sensual and spiritual journey.

Participants who have attended other tantric training are warmly invited to apply and join us for this experience.
(All participants will need to be approved via application)
In this advanced space, it’s all about embracing your own inner guide and exploring the vastness of your desires, emotions, and sacred energy. We loosen the reins and invite you to step fully into your power, exploring your sensuality and spirituality with the freedom to follow your instincts.

While there will be some gentle guidance to anchor the night, the magic lies in your hands. The space is yours to create, explore, and expand within—an invitation to unleash your most authentic self.

12 October





  • Tantric practices.

  • Expressing your desires & needs, learning to feel into what is it that you truly desire & learning to be clear with requests.

  • Learning to receive - practicing asking and then allowing yourself to truly receive. 

  • Conscious touch work - everything is an invitation & practicing full presence when you are touching.

  • Space for Play, fun & curiosity.

  • Opportunities to kiss your edges.

  • We will touch on boundary & consent work (This is not the focus. if you are not good with your boundaries or have any doubts - please book session work with Alexandra upfront)




  • Anyone who is curious and wants to deepen their relationship with THEIR OWN sensuality & sexuality.

  • Couples welcome (you can work together or work with others)

  • Singles welcome

  • Beginners are welcome, but please understand that this is an evening of depth and if you are completely new to work with your sexuality book a private session with Alexandra upfront or come to the beginners temple. 

  • If you are unsure - book a free 15min curiosity call with Alexandra or Simona.

Image by Kitera Dent



The Temple nights are unique, never the same as the one before, because you & the group dictate how the evening flows. We start with sharing & INTENTION SETTING, feeling into the group constellation & individual needs. Based on this, practices are curated with HEART OPENING as the starting point. To open ourselves to the tender & soft spaces within us to allow another in - How deep you want to reveal yourself is up to you. We then explore partner exercises and CONNECTION PRACTICES. Everything is an invitation and learning to feel the BODIES WISDOM of a yes & no is an important part of navigating this in a way that feels safe & comfortable.


Exploring CONSCIOUS TOUCH is a wonderful tool of self exploration and opening up to asking for what you DESIRE. Touch can mean simply holding a hand or going into deep embrace, you are the pilot of your own journey. There are numerous practices that are shared and time for you to - and I emphasise the word - PRACTICE. We are all here to learn and to support each other in a DEEPER AWAKENING.


Lastly & also sooooo important is PLAY. This is a space to be curious, to explore, to play - to allow yourself to have fun and experience PLEASURE. Demystifying that pleasure is often attached to sexuality, but expanding beyond, and yet also not excluding our sexuality and rather connecting to its innocence, shedding shadows and allowing yourself to feel your innocent erotic nature.


We invite you to switch partners a few times, of course if you come as a couple you are more than welcome to work together for the duration. The idea with partner switching to allow you meet different people and have diverse experiences. 


Come dressed in something that makes you feel yummy, that ignites your inner fire, that expresses a part of you that yearns to come out and play. Layers are great.


If you struggle with your boundaries & saying no, or have suffered any sexual trauma or struggle with your relationship with your sexuality, it is recommended that you have a session with Alexandra beforehand. The intention is to create warm, safe sanctuaries for us all to explore our erotic nature. Your well-being is of utmost importance & self knowing and care are critical components. There will also be assistants in the room, for any questions or support at any time. Again we are all learning together.


Regarding nudity. There is no requirement for nudity at all, but it is invited to explore should you feel that way inclined. The shame around our body shapes, the need for them to be perfect, the desire to hide, is a big part of our collective consciousness, especially here is South Africa. In these spaces we can practice allowing ourselves to be seen, just as we are. This is heart of the tantric teachings, remembering that we are Divine beings in human bodies, and that every part of us is sacred. Our lumps & bumps, our desires, our shame, our fear, our joy, our pleasure, our rapture. 


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I invite you to a Sanctuary, where we can remember our innocent erotic nature.


Where touch is conscious & sacred and allowed to feel good. 


Spaces of play & freedom to explore.


In deep reverance to the Temple of our bodies


Held in a way that feels safe, so we can venture gently beyond our comfort zone.


Kissing our edges & expanding our consciousness.

Check out our FAQ call below

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