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28 September 

Hout Bay

Image by Divazus Fabric Store

Holy Anger, Sacred Rage.

It is time to let go!


It takes a lot of energy to repress the heat & fire of Anger & Rage.


Release the build up & learn to channel the creative force.



Our relationship with Anger is learned from family and society, and because of this, we often suppress and fear it. Anger is often misunderstood, unprocessed, and unexpressed, however, Anger is normal. 


Anger shows us our boundaries & needs. As we step into our power & sovereignty - owning our what we want, our heart desires & learning to say no to what is not in alignment is essential.


Anger & Rage will always be part of the human experience but how we navigate the heat is up to us. Learning how to release & express our Anger, in a safe way & constructive way, is crucial to awakening the the dynamic, vibrant life force energy that is lies underneath it.








Sacred Rage is a session that offers you a journey to clear your relationship with Anger & Rage & own your boundaries. To embrace the parts of you that are hidden or hiding & to step more into Wholeness.


I offer you many tools, practices & an inward Alchemy journey; so that you can empower yourself with your own wisdom.


Image by Wolfgang Hasselmann


"Thank you Alex for this somatic release
of my anger and frustration,
it has allowed
so much more of me
to become in the world.” 

Image by okeykat

What to Expect

  • Learn how to move Anger energy in a conscious safe way. For you and others.

  • Release yourself from the chains of frustration and guilt that often surrounds this emotion.

  • Learn your boundaries.

  • Empower yourself to stand in your truth.

  • Tap into your creative fire and juice for life.


This workshop is a blend of practical tools for everyday life & a Shamanic Alchemy Journey. A process of exploration & integration of these potent emotions. A Safe space to be ALL OF YOU.


This work is for anyone who is curious about the power of Anger, and also those who have come to fear the burning heat of Rage. In my experience, within the Rage lies deep relief, grief, truth, passion & spaciousness. 


The group process for Anger is amazing, enlivening and very healing. We all have Anger & even Rage, but there is just so much shame around it. Hearing the stories of others can be most empowering and supporting our transmutation of the shame into empowerment.


I know that this work can sometimes feel scary, I was scared for YEARS! So please feel free to book a 15 min Curiosity Call or email me with any questions. Also read my story with Anger below. 

Anchor 1
Image by Smit Patel


28 September 2024


1 - 6pm​

Sacred Valley House, Hout Bay


Limited to 8 people.


Pay in full : R1800


3 part payment plan: R630 per month for 3 months. 


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More about Anger & Me

My history with this is so simple... now when I look back!


I was a good girl - a notorious people pleaser - the ultimate of yes girl! Got promoted every year, liked by all, always with a smile. 


Then I had a burn out.


The kind that shattered my whole world, and with that the beginning of a 8 year process of chronic illness. My inability to say no and my mastery of bottling my fiery emotions left my body riddled with parasites & infections. With a weakened immune system, they had a fiesta inside my cells. Including making a comfy home in my brain and deeply affecting my listening, speaking & cognitive function. To add to that I had chronic pain in my left side. Pain that no pill, injection or any of the other millions of treatments I tried, could help. 


My frustration only got worse. My body was just not working. at all!


It was time to fight. To scream to shout, to let it all out. BUT I was too scared and too tired & mostly -  I didn't know how. Being angry felt too violent. So it took me many years until I came across safe & embodied anger work. I had done the whole therapy thing - Not only 2 sessions a week, but also I was in 3 different residential clinics. It shifted things but the speed was glacial.


It's wasn't until my work with Anger & Sacred Sexuality that I got my life force back.


& now I share this work. 


It will change your life.

Sick or not.

This is something we should be taught in school.  


Image by Edward Howell

What People Say

"I am so grateful I got to do this work with you, I am feeling so much lighter! "



"I was nervous to attend this workshop as I have always tried to avoid being angry or allowing myself to go to that place, worried I would hurt those around me or that I would destroy or deconstruct all my work to keep myself together. However attending Sacred Rage with Alex was a truly transformational experience, not only was the space held for talking about anger but my fears and expressions were welcomed in a safe and healthy container. I was also offered the somatic experience of my boundaries and what no truly feels like in my system. I am very grateful for the space to process this difficult emotion and feel it allowed to me to be more authentic to my centre, my boundaries and my needs."



Thank you Alex for this somatic release of my anger and frustration, it has allowed so much more of me to become in the world.



"I had the biggest Orgasm of my Life a few days later - these energies are so connected!"



"For years I had been yearning for a space where I could express suppressed anger and deep grief, a safe space to let it out and be witnessed without judgment.

I found this in the Sacred Rage workshop. In the midst of the roaring, sobbing, and wild embodiments of rage, Alex held the space with equanimity, care and unconditional support. I felt seen. I felt safe. I actually found it such a relief to be there, and to witness such untamed honesty amongst a group of people."

This work can change your Life.
Are you ready to feel more free? 

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