This 3 month programme is a supported space,
for you to explore & connect to the
deeper layers of who you are.
A space to uncover the REAL you.
Without judgement.
Shedding layers of expectations.
An unravelling,
A revelation.
of your ultimate potential.
Perhaps just blocked, contracted, hidden, scared.
Through Traditional Yogic & Tantric practices of breath, movement, meditation.
Shamanic journeys, energy work & sound channelling.

Release the blocks, anxieties, tensions
& step into radiating your Authentic Self.
Connecting to your inner wisdom,
innate state of peace & ease.

From Trauma to Truth.
From wounding to wholeness.
We all have some trauma.
Big , small, enormous, tiny, forgotten.
Subconscious, conscious.
Trauma is often a name given to
the tensions, blockages, survival patterns, numbness or pain.
The stuff & stories that disconnect us from the remembering
of our True Divine nature.
The innate wisdom that we all carry within.
That we are Bliss.
We are Divine.
We are Whole.
Here for a life of Pleasure, Beauty & Abundance.
This is a space to explore what is TRULY YOU.
To remember your Bliss and to feel it daily!

In this 1:1 programme with me
I am devoted to your unfolding.
You have access to all my practices and teachings.
And together we will map out the BEST SUPPORTED way
for your absolute potential.
We can work with tender topics. Loud topics.
Silent or Rageful topics.
Sacred sexuality, boundaries, fears, grief, desires.
and so much more.

You want to be more you.
You want to know who you are and have what you Desire.
You feel on the precipice of something, more. Wanting support as you navigate & explore this new you.
You are sick & tired of walking around in circles, looping patterns and programmes that are not serving you.
You are over trying and not seeing the shifts you want.
You are in dis-ease. (Physical symptoms that don't go away)
You desire to be connected to your body & heart.
You are craving more ease & more flow.
You want to put an end to the 'Mr Nice Guy' & 'Miss Perfect' 'Good Girl' narrative that keeps you feeling small. That keeps you apologising.
You want to create the life you Desire.
Want to shed the shit that no longer serves you - once and for all.
Want to know who you really are, want to feel the freedom of never having to justify or apologise for being you.
If you want to step into your Authentic Self & Power.
If you want confidence to be True to your Heart, your Soul, your Body.
You want to connect to your intuition, and learn to make decisions from this place.
If you are tired of being in the mind, trapped in the mental realms and struggling to be in flow.
You desire to cultivate more TRUST & learn to surrender & let go.
If you want to embody your Feminine & Masculine in harmony.
This is for men, woman, non-binary etc. Basically all Humans & especially those who feel human-ning is sometimes hard work.
This is also an opportunity if you want to explore Tantra, connect to your sensuality, explore, understand, heal your relationship with your sexuality.

How it works:
8 sessions within 3 month period.
The rhythm of the sessions will be determined individually with you.
Allowing space in between for integration & rest. The 3 months allows a deepening of the practices into your everyday. Offering a sustainable shift to Anchor.
Intro call
Background & History.
Identifying initial core themes, traumas, wounding, desires.
Intention Setting.
6 sessions
Each session is unique, we will either discuss the process upfront or work intuitively. Depending on what is most beneficial for you.
Sessions will draw on all my skills & experience. Can include Traditional Tantric practices & Shamanic energy work.
(Breathwork, movement, meditation, shamanic journeys & live code channelling)
Can include homework too if this is supportive for you. Recorded practices will also be provided. Allowing you in Anchor and integrate with everyday Life.
Closing session
Wrap up and next steps. Recap of practices to support you going forward.
I only take limited amount of clients at a time to ensure I can devote myself to you.
Energy Exchange
Price increasing to € 1800 at the end of May.
3 slots available at old rate of R 15k or € 770.
My intention is make this work accessible, so email me and we can create a payment plan.
Special rates are available to South Africans, email to apply.
Shed the sh*t that keeps you from being all of what you are

The sessions are safe sacred spaces for you to find out
& connect to ALL of the potential of who you are.
& Celebrating.
The raw, tender, rough & tough parts of you.
The silent. The unknown.
The sexy, excited, playful parts.
The embarrassed & ashamed.
The Angry & Rageful.
The numb.
The ecstatic.
The spiritual.
The intelligent & willful.
The vulnerable & gentle.
The powerful & strong.
Acknowledging all the parts that are scared.
All the parts that want to be known.
The parts that are scared of being known
& the parts that crave to be seen.
Learning who you are.
Giving yourself permission to be just as you are.
Asking for what you want, learning how to receive it.
Releasing the layers of trauma, conditioning and habits that keep you trapped.
This programme if about allowing you to BE YOU.
In Your Wholeness & Fullness.
To feel deep inner peace.
Stepping into your True Power with ease & flow.
A journey of Authenticity.
A journey of revelation.
A journey of Sacred Embodiment.
Connecting your Heart Wisdom.
A chance to be held and supported as you explore & expand.
Into your True potential.