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Image by Hide Obara

rewire your nervous system

unlock your potential

you are the alchemy

Abstract Horizon

In this Breathwork Ceremony

we will activate with your innate Alchemical Fire to transform. 

Ultimately empowering you to turn sh*t into Gold.

A potent High vibrational Ceremony that unifies 

both Masculine & Feminine energies. 

Allowing you to come into Wholeness.

Release what no longer serves you.

Your pain, tension, stress, confusion.

Integrate the wisdom, the lessons, the learnings.

Reclaim the parts of you that are lost.

Embrace your power, your Joy, your freedom,

This is a ceremony of Soul Remembering. 

Awakening more of your 


Your Golden codes.

Offering you potential to rewire your nervous system,

increasing your capacity for Life.

As we learn to build up resilience, agility, flexibility.

We reprogramme our bodies & minds.

Opening up to the infinite potential that is Life.

To the Truth of our Divinity as Human Beings. 

Remembering who we are.

More about Breathwork & Me

Breathwork has been an absolutely essential part of my own healing journey. Allowing me to step more into my power, releasing old patterns and beliefs that kept me sick and fatigued. Through the Alchemy of this Breathwork technique and others I practiced along the way, I gained deep IN-sight into myself. This is what led my to trust myself more, ultimately allowing me to rest into my Power and follow my Soul path. 


  • Breathwork helped me to stabilise my nervous system, building up my capacity to live more fully without being exhausted every 5 minutes. (For those that don't know I had Chronic Fatigue and was super sick for 8 years) 

  • I released so much trauma through breathwork, I am literally not the same person as I used to be. So much more free & authentic.

  • Lastly Breathwork can take you into trance states and Bliss states, some of my most wonderful journeys outside if the Medicine space are with Breath. 

The Practice


Slow movement to stretch & activate the body. Activating flow, ease, relaxation. Opening and preparing your body to absorb all the rich energy that will be generated in the Breathwork session.


The breathwork practice itself consists of active circular breathing and breath retention. The practice releases the natural DMT within the body offering profound release, INsight and states of Bliss. It can also offer you powerful release both emotional and/or physical.

This ceremony offers easy access into trance states. Tapping into the realms beyond your conscious mind, revealing deeper wisdom. Clients often say my Breathwork sessions are as powerful as some Medicine work. The best part is you can drive home straight away and it is a tool you can access anytime. 

This practice will meet you where you are. There is no need to do or be anything, come as you are in your Perfection and allow the practice to assist you.

Image by Milad Fakurian

"Thank you for facilitating such a beautiful and powerful ceremony last night, Alex.

It was exactly what I needed.

Thank you x "

Image by Nathan Dumlao

Upcoming Events 

Choose the date below and book directly online. 

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What others say 

"Every time I have a session with Alex, it seems to be exactly what I need. Last night’s  breathwork journey was no different. I could feel my breath moving through every inch my body and into the places where healing was needed. Every part of my being was alive. I had so many insights and clarity during the journey. Everything made sense. Today I have so much energy and drive to implement these visions for the future. There are no words for how grateful I am for Alex and the spaces she creates. Thank you."


"What stood out for me is how I had forgotten to pay attention to my body.  The first 15 minutes of the Breathwork was extremely valuable as I could slow down and just feel my body.  What came after is something that is completely new to me, and the introduction of alchemical fire is surely something that I could get used to."


"I was able to release a lot of old "stuff" and I'm feeling balanced."

"I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for yesterday’s workshop. It was my first experience doing a workshop and I felt like it really helped break down a barrier or fear about attending such a safe space.

Lots of great things to take away, visions, thoughts and gratitude so thank you again for making me feel safe and vulnerable all at the same time. " 


 "It was incredible, profound. I feel amazing today. I felt sad and tearful by the end, in deep deep surrender and this morning woke up feeling fantastic & my energy is back which I have net felt for a while now.  You have such a gift Alex. Every time I join something that you lead I am blown away . You create such a beautiful safe space & the work is so profound. Thank you Thank you. "



Image by Evie S.



Check the upcoming dates to find the venue close to you.  






R600 pp

3 session pack for R1500.



Check upcoming dates book directly online here.

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