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Image by Galina N

On this auspicious day - Let's gather to rewrite the future. 

Every year we gather with for a day of talks, interviews, workshops & ceremonies

from teachers around the world. 

As we radiate the vibrations of

Power. Pleasure & Play

into our bodies, minds, hearts

& the collective field.

Learning to embody a rested state of presence.


Lion's Gate is a potent time

for choosing Soul, for shifting timelines

and dreaming into manifest the life on Earth we so deeply desire.

Desert Dunes





Power rooted in integrity, compassion & Grace.

A soft yet strong power, that understands sharing & equality.

A power that is not afraid to stand for Soul, for Love.

A power that is relentlessly committed to Spirit.

Heart Power. True Power.



Welcoming ease, flow, relaxation & trust.

Consciously curating & creating opportunities to experience how good it can be.

 Allowing yourself to the receive the wonders of Life.

Choosing to walk in Beauty.

IN-joying the abundance & the luxury of Life.





Awakening curiosity, innocence, openness & spontaneity.

Surrendering into the mystery with an open joyful heart, moving with the creative force of the universe with no end goal.

Remembering not to take ourselves or our spiritual path too seriously but remember Divine Play.

The notion that this experience is created out of Bliss, by Bliss and for Bliss.


Arriving back home to the utter wholeness of the timeless meditative heart. 

Surrendering into the quivering reverberation of Life as it is. 

'Boundlessly free like the sky, and yet intimately pervading all form, like the ocean pervades all waves—unaffected my their motions and yet inseparable from their ceaseless shapes and shiftings.'

Resting into being. ​(copy in collaboration with David Perrott)

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  • Lion's Gate is an astrological portal

  • 8th August is when is it at its peak.

  • It is when Fixed Star Sirius, Orion & Earth are aligned in the sky.

  • Sirius is our Spiritual sun and in direct alignment with the pyramids of Giza.

  • Energy is received and amplified by the pyramids in Giza, then echoes through the Temples along the Nile, rippling across the world along ancient song lines.

  • Lion's Gate considered by Ancient Egyptians as New Year &  ties to when the Nile used to flood to nourish the land and sustain life.

  • This is a potent time for Soul Embodiment.

  • DNA Light activation & restoring Divine templates within.

Image by Galina N


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Kundalini Yoga Teacher and Legacy Trainer

Get ready for Portal energy

Pritam grew up in the Far East, studied in Malta, lived in an ashram in Germany for ten years and then came to RSA to initiate Kundalini Yoga, together with her husband. She created Fruits & Roots and Earth Products brands for some decades and now lives on an intentional farm in the Cape, from where she shares the legacy of Kundalini teachings.

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Blue Lotus Medicine Woman

Sekhmet - the Mother of the Lotus

Jasmeen Hana is a modern day holistic medicine woman working with Life Force Energy and Personal Empowerment. 

She supports holistic seekers to transform life force “creative/sexual energy” and inner/outer relationship related issues, to return to a place of empowered authenticity, innocence, self-worth, embodiment to speaking one’s truth.


 Jasmeen teaches at the Sacred Sexual Shamanic Experience Retreat with the International School of Temple Arts (ISTA) and also offers her unique African Yoga & Ancient Egyptian Shamanic Journeys in Egypt, she also offers Blue Lotus Ceremony Retreats + Women’s Empowerment & Wellbeing Retreats. 


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Medicine Woman

The Art of

Cathy is a medicine woman, coaching psychologist & visionary guide. Her work is deeply rooted in the womens mysteries of ancient Europe. A core mission of her work is the exploration of Western European ways of crafting with plant allies, while harnessing the energies of the divine feminine. European wise woman traditions are an essential element in understanding the deeper layers of Europe's shamanic lineages. The role of the feminine as an intermediary between the divine and the natural world is a central force that is honoured within many ancient ritualistic tradition


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Non-dual meditation teacher

Pathways to Presence

David is a meditation teacher, and aspiring bard, currently based in Cape Town, South Africa. His path has weaved through several spiritual and religious traditions, from Advaita Vedanta and Tantra to Dzogchen and Zen Buddhism. What is alive for David currently is a recurring five week programme called Nouma, which invites participants to come into contact the perennial insight at the core of all the non-dual spiritual traditions, and how this insight can be allowed to pervade everyday life.


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Conscious Relationship Astrologer

Astrology of Day

Margarita Celeste is a passionate & experienced astrologer specializing in conscious relationships. With over a decade of experience, she has become an expert in this field helping individuals and couples navigate the complexities of love and life. Her unique approach blends astrological wisdom with Jungian psychology, incorporating archetypal meditations and somatic practices to foster holistic understanding and personal growth. Margarita's engaging articles and insights are featured on top astrology apps and websites, inspiring a global audience. Margarita also leads transformative retreats, courses & workshops, offering participants a chance to explore their astrological charts and deepen their self-awareness. &

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Medicine Woman

Lions Gate Breathwork ceremony

Lisa Lifetrain is a modern day mystic and medicine women. She creates safe and deeply transformational spaces for humans to remember their magic and magnificence.


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Medicine Woman

Pleasure as Power

Annette is a radical women’s embodiment & empowerment guide; an entrepreneur & wisdom keeper. With her wealth of lived experience, she creates spaces for deep nourishment & liberation. Her signature methodology of the 4 Reclaimed Archetypes (The Witch, Bitch, Slut & Dyke) supports women to find freedom by transmuting their shame. She was initiated in the Wise Woman Tradition of healing and is the founder of Wild Nettle, a movement to return wild weeds to the world. Annette is also a doula and currently studying to become a professor of Modern Matriarchy. Her offerings are simple and deep, rooting you back in your body and your connection to the Earth.


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Self-Leadership & Modern Rituals Mentor
Gene Keys Guide

Easeful Power: Aligning ambition with relaxation 

Alexia is dedicated to helping visionary women elevate their lives and businesses through self-leadership & modern rituals. Alexia graduated from UC Berkeley with a degree in Integrative Biology and has over a decade of experience in conscious business, self-leadership, ritual mastery, lifestyle design, and stress resilience. Her work has spanned Silicon Valley to Southeast Asia and Africa, and includes working with leading entrepreneurs, business leaders, corporate professionals, influencers, & billionaire CEOs. Alexia’s unique methodologies, transformational programs, and practical Gene Keys transmissions help women align their ambitious dreams with their natural talents and gifts, cultivating greater ease, joy, and relaxation in their everyday lives.



Image by Glen Carrie

I am honoured to be joined by teachers, coaches, astrologists, tantrikas, medicine men & woman.  

All sessions will be recorded and uploaded onto a platform.

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