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Come alive to the eternal Sanctuary within you 

Image by Christina Deravedisian

Welcome Beloved, 

I am Alexandra Diepering 

Sacred Embodiment Coach, 

Energy Alchemist

& Tantric Shamanic Practitioner.

I support others to come home to their bodies. 

Empowering you to express your authentic truth. 

Remember your wholeness. 

Feel your Bliss.

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As a Tantric Shamanic Practitioner

I combine these two wisdom traditions, weaving the teachings together that have deeply supported my own healing & awakening. 

The Tantric teachings offer a reservoir of gnosis around embodiment. They are rooted in wholeness & inclusion, there is no right vs. wrong, no light vs dark. Practices & teachings that invite reverence for our bodies, our Humanity, our desires, needs & feelings. Ancient wisdom that walks us home to the rememberance that we are Divine Beings just as we are. 


The Shamanic part of the work I offer is connected to the subtle realms. Working with energetic medicine, sound code channeling & plant allies. This work is multi-dimensional & transpersonal. It touches the deep aspects of our being and supports in speedy release, sustainable transformation & potent cellular activations. 

Flower Petals
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Embody your TRUTH

Step into your POWER

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Create a life of  PLEASURE



"I just wanted to reach out and say thank you for yesterday’s workshop. It was my first experience doing a workshop and I felt like it really helped break down a barrier or fear about attending such a safe space.


Lots of great things to take away, visions, thoughts and gratitude so thank you again for making me feel safe and vulnerable all at the same time."

Alex, I just wanted to say a HUGE thank you for yesterday. My god, that medicine is still moving through me this morning and I'm feeling even more raw, more open, more exposed, vulnerable yet safe and held. And that has everything to do with the way you held me. I am SO SO grateful for you and your work 🙏🏽🌹

"The session steamed my flesh soft and tender & took me to my deepest aching, where I yearned and cried and called and drifted in the delightfulness of my very own destruction. You are a phenomenal guide Alex, thank you so much for sharing yourself ❤"

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I look forward to meeting you! 
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